This offers operators a high-level, two-way intruder integration. When the Galaxy keypad is used to cancel Alarms, that cancellation is also sent to the AC2000 security management system thus simultaenously cancelling the alarms on the AC2000 Security Hub application. New Security Software Offers Enhanced User-interface and Dedicated System for Galaxy Dimension Intrusion System Honeywell today announced the release of. This allows for a fast response time and a centralised and integrated viewpoint of both security systems. System operators can quickly identify an intruder alarm and its exact location on site. This provides, on a single screen, a graphical representation of the physical layout of intruder sensors and allows for central alarm monitoring of both access control and intruder alarms. The AC2000 Galaxy Dimension interface enables zones from intruder panels to be placed as icons on the state-of-the-art and highly intuitive AC2000 Security Hub application. We have those people just see the results we achieve.The AC2000 Galaxy® Dimension Intrusion Detection System interface enables alarms from Galaxy intruder panels to be seamlessly integrated with the AC2000 security management system. It takes great people who share a common vision –from design and production to sales and customer service - to produce great results. We pride ourselves, not only on the quality of our products but also on the quality of our employees. The same results-driven culture that made Digital an exemplary defense contractor is mirrored at Galaxy Control Systems today. and the creation of Galaxy Control Systems. The intensive research and development from this program produced many technological discoveries and breakthroughs, including the technology that led to the development of one of the security industry’s first intelligent access control panels. Committed to In-House Design and Manufacturing.Certified & Professionally Trained International Dealer Network.The key benefits of Galaxy Control Systems are: Our team of specialists ensures that every Galaxy access control product is designed for maximum flexibility and unsurpassed quality.

Established in 1974, Galaxy represents the evolution of Digital Systems Corporation, an award-winning defense contractor that developed a surveillance and tracking system for the US Military. Galaxy Control Systems is a global leader in the access control industry.