Game controller mapper
Game controller mapper

game controller mapper game controller mapper

why in the WORLD are the Axes off by one on the Logitech F510? and why do I not have my DPad at all) Especially when the underlying Gamepad drivers are simply broken in Firefox.

game controller mapper

A polyfill is simply the wrong way to go IMHO. The SDL2 GameController API is a proven API mechanism that is used in MANY MANY games over the past 2 years (I know, as I've used that API in at least a dozen games I've ported). Having a mapping layer in SDL2 and the Gamepad API makes it so that database is maintained in a single place and means the developer doesn't have to DO anything for it to "just work".

game controller mapper

Requiring each "game" developed against the Gamepad API to have their own mapping is rather ridiculous and is what has gotten us to this point today, where developers only support one controller(Xinput/Xbox 460) and ignore the rest. and updates could be handle either via an about:config setting, or some simple UI (about:gamepad), or a feed that can be pushed separately from browser releases. (note the endian difference of the first part of the string).Īlso, a mapping system is a good thing to have in the spec, having it in SDL2 has made game development/porting significantly easier because of the mapping system. So I can't even use the ID that is mapped through to get these controllers working.Īnd the IDs can map to the SDL2 mappings. The issue right now, is that the gamepad API is completely useless without these mappings, as the DPad is not mapped through what-so-ever. If we implement this in Firefox then that case is likely to wind up completely untested as people will test in Chrome and Firefox, see that it works for them, and not bother dealing with the non-standard case. Right now I'm worried that developers will develop against Chrome with a supported gamepad and not test the non-standard case at all, making their games useless for people without the same type of gamepad. Yes, we could say "we support all the major console controllers and that's good enough" but when the next generation of consoles comes out you get a new set of controllers that you don't support right away. However, there will always be controllers that the browser doesn't know about that will not present a standard mapping, and content using the API will either have to handle that or be broken with those controllers. Yes, Chrome is shippping with some built-in mappings. It has stalled because the more I think about it the more I think it was a terrible mistake to include in the spec.

Game controller mapper